Our Services

We provide semi-independent accommodation for young people aged 16-18. Each young person’s package is individually tailored around the needs of the person and aims at meeting the required outcomes on their pathway to independence and future plans.
The Haven Place

24-hour Service
& Facilities

Each individual has access to the following:

  • Be provided their own room with keys to their apartment
  • Receive a copy of house rules and the expectation to adhere to them
  • Be treated fairly and with dignity and respect
  • Be treated in a non-judgemental and non-discriminatory way and all your choices will be respected at all times.
  • Dedicated Key workers who form part of the team around the child (TAC)
  • Be expected to co-operate with their care plans/support plans/pathway plans.
  • We offer a package of care and support that also includes therapeutic intervention and a crisis plan wrapped around the person.
  • 24 hour support with a tailored staffing ratio day and night.
  • Fully trained support staff.

Support Services

Our support approach is person centred, to assist young people who seek greater independence and autonomy.  We will offer a range of support for young people to work towards their own level of independent living, maximising each and everyone’s circle of support.  All young people will be assessed prior to moving in with their individual needs taken into consideration.  In conjunction with the health care professionals involved in their care, we will regularly review to determine the level of support required with a view to step them down to independence, using a strength-based approach as part as our wrap around model.

At The Haven Place, our objective is to provide high quality services that enable young people to reach their individual potential. In order to achieve this, we will:

  • Promote the independence of young people at all times and encourage them toward independence by offering a high level of emotional support and practical help in health and educational/employment issues, cooking, budgeting and living skills.
  • Provide a welcoming environment in which young people feel comfortable, safe and proud to call their own.
  • Provide a safe space where young people can feel safe, learn coping mechanisms, stabilise their behaviour and reflect on their experiences with support to move forward.
  • Provide 24-hour staffing by a member of our highly trained team.
  • Offer levels of support which can be increased or decreased as required and in consultation with the placing authority to meet individual needs, especially for young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, as some may require 1:1 support 24 hours per day.
  • Assess and document every aspect of the young person’s daily living to establish their level of independence and what areas require support to develop.
  • Support young people with the “Getting Ready for Adult Life” programme (Published by Rainer, National Leaving Care Advisory Service and The Fostering Network).
  • Encourage and support our young people in accessing employment, education and training.
  • Provide key-working sessions to help young people build up skills in areas that require extra provision until a safe level of independence is achieved.
  • Support young people in setting up their own bank accounts, passports and navigation of the benefits system where necessary.
  • Support young people in the transition from semi-independence to their own home.

All young people will receive support with,

  • Accessing local community resources
  • Accessing and registering with health services
  • Self-Care Skills
  • Independent Living Skills
  • Healthy Living Skills and Support
  • Education, training or employment
  • Family contact
  • Accessing and managing a tenancy

When a young person reaches 18 years, we will continue to support them with:

  • Access to employment and volunteering opportunities
  • Access to benefits, jobseekers allowance, income support and other relevant benefits
  • Access to housing and housing benefits
  • Support with immigration advice and / or discuss status in consultation with Social Work team

Who we provide
services for

The young people we accommodate and support have varying needs which may include:

  • Autistic spectrum disorder.
  • Attachment Disorder.
  • Attention deficit disorder.
  • Mental health issues .
  • Challenging behaviour
  • Moderate learning disabilities
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Self-harming behaviours
  • Gang involvement
  • Criminal behaviour
  • Sexualised behaviour

Support is offered in such areas as:

  • Help applying for jobs
  • Finding information about college courses
  • Support and assistance while studying
  • Help applying for benefits
  • Help in finding ways of coping when faced with setbacks
  • How to shop, cook, budget and do household tasks such as laundry
  • Dealing with feelings of loneliness
  • Relationships with family and friends
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Planning for the future

Expected Outcome for young people:

  • Be in employment, education or training, or actively working towards this.
  • Use the support offered to develop skills to enable them to live independently
  • Abide by the conditions of the licence agreement which they must sign
  • Attend regular key work sessions

How we will do this

This includes but is not limited to the following:

  • To create a living experience focusing on confidence, trust and respect
  • To maintain and/or develop contact between family, friends and cultural networks
  • To ensure that the young people are informed of how to access appropriate support
  • To create the level of independence required when living in the community
  • To reduce the likelihood of offending by enabling and maintaining employment/education
  • To focus on developing emotional/social resilience
  • To focus on listening to our young people and encourage their participation in the work being delivered
  • To focus on our young people’ individual needs
  • Work in a directive manner with a flexible approach to ensure positive outcomes
  • Assisting our young people in coming to terms with their situations in a creative way

Our aim is for the service to give our young people a voice, an opportunity to choose and learn from each other’s experience as well as their own. We will support and involve our young people with positive partnership working within the community and signposting to other agencies.

Admission Process

Introduction into the service will consist of a preliminary meeting with the person to assess their needs and establish their wishes and aspirations. This will be facilitated with a manager present as part as the admission process to gather as much information as possible.

Planned placements

We offer planned placements that consist of preparing the young person to transition into our service by offering a tour of the service, providing information and pictures of the accommodation and a young persons handbook to ensure they have the information they require prior to moving to our service.

Same day placements

We also accept same day placements, and these will be arranged on a case by case basis dependent on the individual needs and circumstances of the young person.
When arriving at the service, the young personis introduced to thesupport staff, and will have an induction into the accommodation (including demonstrations of the operation of all domestic appliances and heating system). This includes expectations which are presented and explained.  Induction into the house will also include safety systems, fire exits, both communal and in accommodation, as well as a brief introduction to facilities in the surrounding community.
A young person’s handbook isprovided to support the induction process, which includes information regarding the complaints, advocates, and emergency contact details aswell as discussing the rules of communal living at the accommodation and the expectations of their placement plans and their responsibilities as young people to maintain their placement agreement.
Our staff approach is person centred, to assist young people who seek greater independence and autonomy.
Young peoplealso receive alicence agreement which clearly defines the service that will be provided, including their rights, responsibilities to live in the accommodation, the service fees as applicable, payment arrangements and the procedure for changing and ending the contract.  Initially, support staff will assist young people with practical support, such as housing related support matters and registering with the local GP, Optician and Dentist.

Absent or Missing Resident

All missing persons or unauthorised absences will be reported to the police if they fail to return to the service by 10pm.
The following should be considered and recorded when a young person goes missing from the site:

  • Time and date the young person were last seen, time reported missing to the police, their age, their appearance, their risks, known frequencies, precipitating factors that may have led them to go missing, their personal circumstances, and the time and date they return home.
  • All young people should be interviewed by a member of staff or a manager to ascertain why they felt cause to leave the site when this has not been prior agreement. This is called the return home interview. A copy of the missing report and return home interview must be sent to the young person’s social worker without delay.
  • The responsible local authority must provide the opportunity for the service user to have an independent return to home interview via an independent person. The police should also complete a self and well check upon the service user returning from being missing by the police.

Prior to each planning meeting including pre-placement meetings, consideration will be made as to whether it is appropriate to discuss associated risks of the service user absenting him/herself. Where it is appropriate the discussion will include the following and be recorded:

  • degree of risk of the service user absconding
  • level of supervision/support offered to the service user
  • social worker advice on what action should be taken if the service user goes missing
  • level of risk presented if the service user absconds

Consultation with Young people

The views and wishes of young people are important to us. The young person is requested to be fully involved and invested in their support, they are fully listened to and their views, preferences and beliefs inform how their package of support is delivered on a day to day basis.

This includes:

  • Choice of decor and furnishings of the home, including their bedrooms
  • Individual recreational, sporting and cultural activities
  • Choice of birthday and Christmas presents
  • Educational and careers matters e.g. choice of subjects/exams, and choice of college/ training provider
  • Involvement in staff selection processes
  • Where appropriate, choice of key worker
  • All health matters

This happens from the point of referral, subsequent placement planning meeting and regularly thereafter through key worksessions and young people’ meetings. Measures are in place to facilitate participation in all areas of service delivery including from significant others. An integral element of this is toensure young people are able to maintain their identity and links with their culture and religion. The provision of service user’s healthcare and education must reflect their cultural needs. For those young people where English is not their first language, interpreters will be sourced who speak their preferred language whenever they are interviewed or require access to their services.


We routinely monitor young people’ feedback through feedback forms and young adult complaints and outcomes will be maintained and be made available for inspection. We will be responsible for ensuring consistent compliance with these requirements and will have robust systems for documenting, monitoring, and ensuring such compliance. We will also demonstrate that the standards of service required are being delivered and the needs of the young adult are being met.


Young people will be supported to maintain family contact and positive support networks as much as is safe and positive to do so.

Fire Safety

  • Alarm tests are carried out weekly by staff.
  • Alarm points are tested alternatively to ensure they are in working order.
  • All alarm tests are recorded in the house fire log.
  • Emergency lighting tests are carried out at the same time weekly and recorded in the fire log.
  • Fire evacuation drills are carried out monthly and when a new young person or staff member is introduced to the service.
  • Employees/young people are made awareof fire procedures and of the location of firefighting equipment, escape routes from the premises and meeting points as part of their induction/admission.
  • Employees will ensure that there are no obstructions to any firefighting equipment or escape route.
  • Employees must report any deficiency of the firefighting/safety equipment to the manager immediately.
  • Employees are trained in the actions to be taken in the event of a fire emergency, know what actions they will be expected to take.
  • Any person discovering a fire will immediately operate/activate the alarm via the nearest fire point.
  • In the event of a fire or sounding of the alarms the building must be evacuated as quickly as possible via any appropriate exit.
  • The designated person/staff member will ensure their individual responsibilities are undertaken which include:
    • Assisting and ensuring young people and any visitors vacate the building.
    • The visitors’ book is taken out in order to check that all young people, visitors and personnel can be accounted for and provide the fire service with accurate information.
    • Telephone 999 requesting the services of the fire service.
    • Staff may attempt to tackle the fire provided they have received appropriate training with the equipment available until the fire brigade arrives but at no time should they put their own life or wellbeing at risk.
    • Details of any activation of the fire alarm must be recorded in the fire log as must details of any evacuation including drills.
    • The house will conduct weekly visual electrical checks e.g. Cracks to the casing of electrical appliances, cracks or cuts to wiring, damaged electrical sockets, plugs etc. in line with health and safety requirements. Any defects found will be addressed immediately.
    • A current electrical installation certificate is available. An annual portable appliance test (PAT) is conducted by qualified electricians and a current landlord’s gas certificate is held in the service.
The Haven PlaceAbout
Our aim is to support young people who are looked after children, care leavers and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, to achieve positive outcomes throughout their transition to adulthood and independent living.
OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us
36 Brantwood Rd Luton LU1 1JJ
GET IN TOUCHThe Haven Place
Connect with us on social media.
The Haven PlaceAbout
Our aim is to support young people who are looked after children, care leavers and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, to achieve positive outcomes throughout their transition to adulthood and independent living
OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us
36 Brantwood Rd Luton LU1 1JJ
GET IN TOUCHThe Haven Place
Connect with us on social media.